Traditional Chistmas Pudding
1 lb plain flour | 1 lb currants |
1 tsp salt | 1 lb raisins |
1 tsp ground ginger | 1 lb saltanas |
2 tsp mixed spice | 1/4 lb chopped peel |
1 lb suet | 1 lb sugar |
1 lb fresh bread crumbs | 1/4 lb almond kernels (optional) |
8 eggs | 1 tsp carb soda dissolved in a teacup of hot water |
wineglass of brandy | 4 pudding cloths |
On the day before mix all fruit, sugar & almonds.
Next day, prepare bread crumbs by removing crusts from half stale bread and crumb the remaining bread finely.
Finely chop suet & mix with sifted flour, salt, ginger & mixed spice. Add bread crumbs.
Lightly beat eggs, add to fruit and mix well. Add dissolved soda followed by flour mixture. Combine thoroughly and add brandy.
Prepare pudding cloths by soaking in very hot water. Spread out and sprinkle with plain flour. Divide mixture into 4 portions and place each in the centre of a prepared cloth. Fold up the corners and tie securely with a string so that water cannot penetrate but leaving room for pudding expansion.
Boil enough water to drop puddings in up to their necks but not above string ties. Drop puddings in and boil hard for 5 hours. Hang in a shed or similar place to dry.
Prior to eating, boil for 1 hour as above.